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Cape Nelson

Tynemouth, Northumberland. At 2.45 p.m. on loth April, 1965, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that the motor vessel Cape Nelson, which was expected off the Tyne at five o'clock, wished to land a sick seaman. As soon as the vessel appeared on the horizon the life-boat Tynesider was launched at 3.55 with the honorary medical adviser on board. There was a moderate to fresh westerly breeze and a moderate sea. It was one hour before low water. The lifeboat met the Cape Nelson four miles east of the Tyne and the doctor went aboard.

Shortly afterwards the patient was lowered into the life-boat, and with the doctor back on board she proceeded immediately to her station. The man was unconscious and seriously ill and oxygen was administered by the doctor. On arrival at the ferry landing he was transferred to an ambulance, but he died in hospital the next day..