Advanced search

A Speed Boat (3)

North Sunderland, Northumberland.

At 4.3 p.m. on 20th June, 1965, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that a speedboat had capsized off Beadnell. At 4.9 the inshore rescue boat launched in a gentle, gusting to fresh, west-south-westerly breeze and slight sea. The tide was flooding.

The speedboat had a crew of four, one of whom was on the hull. The boat was being kept afloat by two other members of the crew, who were wearing skin diving equipment. The fourth crew member was swimming for the shore to get assistance.

The inshore rescue boat took the crew member from the hull of the boat on board, together with the man swimming for the shore.

Another speedboat Taurus II skippered by Mr. Stuart Hall and crewed by the coxswain, second coxswain and bowman of the life-boat, took the capsized speedboat in tow and brought the remaining two crew members to the shore. The inshore rescue boat returned to her station at 4.26 p.m. A helicopter also took oS to help in the rescue operations..