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A Dinghy and a Boat

DOUBLE RESCUE Penlee, Cornwall. At 4.53 p.m. on 17th April, 1965, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that a small rubber dinghy with two skin divers on board was in difficulties two miles off Penzance. At 5.2 the life-boat Solomon Browne was launched in a strong northwesterly gale and choppy sea. It was high water. The life-boat found the dinghy and after taking the occupants on board took her in tow and went to the assistance of a small boat which was also in difficulties with engine trouble. The crew of this boat were taken on board, and with two boats now in tow the life-boat proceeded to Penzance where the four men were landed. Owing to the bad weather conditions the life-boat was moored at Newlyn and was not re-housed until 4.30 p.m. the following day..