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A Boat and a Dinghy

Tynemouth, Northumberland. At 1.55 p.m. on i8th April, 1965, the bowman informed the honorary secretary that a small boat under oars was making poor progress about three-quarters of a Bile east of the station. The honorary lecretary investigated and found that the l»at was towing another dinghy astern and together they had on board three adults and ten young sea cadets. The IRB iras launched at 2.1 - for the third time that day, and made for the two boats.

There was a strong north-westerly breeze and moderate sea. The tide was flooding. The two boats were out of control and were within 20 yards of the considerable swell which was breaking along the south pier. With great difficulty the IRB towed the boats clear and eventsally beached them at Priors Haven. The IRB returned to her station at 2.42 p.m..