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A Boat (2)

Tynemouth, Northumberland. At about 2.52 p.m. on 8th May, 1965 the honorary secretary saw a small boat under oars having great difficulty in keeping clear of the rocks off South Shields pier and realized that by trying to keep clear they were in danger of being blown out to sea. At 2.58 the IRB launched in a force 6-7 north-westerly wind and choppy sea. The tide was ebbing. By the time IRB reached the scene the small boat had gone aground.

Two of the four occupants had managed to scramble ashore but the remaining two crew were unable to reach the shore because of the deep water between. With great difficulty the boat was towed off the rocks and taken up river to North Shields, where she was beached and the two people landed. The IRB then put out to escort an Enterprise dinghy which was being towed in by a motor boat. The sailing club's Bass boat which had rescued the dinghy's crew was also escorted. The IRB returned to her station at 3.50 p.m..