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Moelfre, Anglesey. At 2.30 p.m. on 3rd March, 1965, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that a young man on board the German motor vessel Rolfe one mile and three quarters north of Moelfre was believed to be suffering from appendicitis and needed to be taken ashore. As a helicopter was already on its way to the Rolfe it was decided not to launch the life-boat immediately. There was a east-southeasterly gale and driving snow. The pilot of the helicopter reported that he could not locate the ship and at 3.20 the lifeboat Watkin Williams was launched with a doctor on board in a very rough sea.

The tide was ebbing. While on her way to the position of the German vessel the life-boat was informed by radio that the helicopter had found the Rolfe, picked up the patient and was taking him to hospital.

Owing to the severe weather conditions the life-boat had to be moored alongside the pier pontoon at Menai Bridge and was not rehoused until the 6th March..