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Northern Queen

Wick, Caithness-shire. At 2.30 p.m.

on 2nd January, 1965, the coastguard informed the coxswain that the trawler Northern Queen of Grimsby had engine failure about thirty eight miles eastnorth- east of Wick, and that her engineer had a badly injured leg. There was a strong north-easterly breeze with a rough sea. The tide was ebbing. The life-boat City of Edinburgh launched at 2.45 with a doctor on board and came up with the trawler whose engine had been repaired, eighteen miles off Wick. The doctor was transferred and with the trawler following the life-boat returned to the shelter of Wick where the injured man and doctor were taken on board and landed at the harbour. The life-boat returned to her station arriving at 8.15 p.m..