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Hazelwood II

INJURED MAN ON ISLAND Poole, Dorset. At 3.16 a.m. on 29th January, 1965 the police informed the honorary secretary that the Warden of Brownsea Island had informed them that a man with head injuries and practically unconscious had landed on the island.

When the man recovered he said that his motor cruiser Hazelwood II was on fire at the western end of the island with his wife and dog on board or on a raft. The life-boat Bassett Green proceeded to search the area at 3.40 in a fresh eastnorth- easterly breeze and a rough sea.

The tide was flooding. The life-boat in conjunction with several other boats searched a wide area and at 5.55 a helicopter was called out. The woman and dog were not found and the life-boat returned to her moorings at 8.53..