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Georgina and Northern Star

COBLES IN DANGER Flamborough, Yorkshire. At 1.43 p.m. on I3th January, 1965, the coxswain telephoned the honorary secretary that two local fishing cobles were at sea, and as a sudden gale had sprung up from the south-south-east and the weather was deteriorating asked permission to launch the life-boat. At 2 o'clock the life-boat Friendly Forester was launched in a very rough sea and heavy rain and proceeded in the direction where the cobles were known to be fishing. The fishing coble Georgina was reached and escorted back to safety. The life-boat then proceeded to look for the other coble Northern Star.

The gale had increased to force nine and visibility was down to half a mile. At 2.55 the life-boat found the Northern Star about four miles north-east of Flamborough Head and escorted her back to the North Landing. The skipper of the Northern Star expressed appreciation of the life-boat service and said both he and his crew were pleased to see the Friendly Forester. The life-boat returned to her station at 4 p.m..