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A Rowing Boat

LIFE-BOAT HIT BOTTOM Clacton-on-Sea, Essex. At 11.3 a.m.

on iyth January, 1965, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that a rowing boat, 600 yards off the beach, was in apparent difficulty at Holland Haven.

The life-boat Sir Godfrey Baring was launched at 11.20 in a west-southwesterly gale, and a very rough sea. It was one hour before high water. The lifeboat reached the rowing boat at 11.45 which was then 60 yards from the beach in broken water. The coxswain first tried to rescue the four men on board the rowing boat from seaward of the boat but in doing so the rowing boat nearly capsized and he decided that he must go inside on the leeshore to rescue the men although the life-boat had earlier touched bottom on the lee side. The life-boat was held using her engines close to the rowing boat and the four men were rescued at the first attempt. During the rescue the lifeboat hit bottom several times and as the last man was taken aboard two heavy seas hit the life-boat and brought her broadside to the beach but by going astern on both engines she reached deep water. The rowing boat could not be salvaged and sank within five minute of the rescue.

Because of the severe weather conditions the life-boat went to Brightlingsea arriving at i p.m. and remained there until the next day..