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A Rowing Boat (1)

Campbeltown, Argyllshire. At 8.15 p.m. on 26th March, 1965, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that a rowing boat about one mile north of Pirnmill with two men on board appeared to be drifting towards Loch Ranza. At 8.35 the life-boat City of Glasgow II proceeded on the ebbing tide to the position of the rowing boat. There was a light southeasterly breeze and a slight sea, visibility was poor. When the life-boat reached the given position nothing was found and a flare was fired, four fishing vessels joined in the search, and H.M.S. Lynx which was in the vicinity established radio contact with the life-boat and the vessels made sweeps of the area. The Lynx had heard shouts, and asked the life-boat to close in and investigate with her. The rowing boat was located and the occupants taken aboard the life-boat and landed at Loch Ranza. The life-boat returned to her moorings at 4.45 a.m. on the following morning..