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A Dinghy

Dover, Kent. At 10.30 p.m. on i6th January, 1965, the police informed the honorary secretary that two men had set out for the Mole in a small dinghy leaving a third man on the beach who was to be picked up after one of the men had been landed on the Mole. As the dinghy did not return the third man had informed the police. At 11.30 the life-boat Elizabeth Elson on temporary duty at the station proceeded to search for the dinghy in a south-westerly gale and a rough sea. It was one hour after high water. Nothing was found by the life-boat, but a tug reported that a body had been seen close to the upturned dinghy near the Eastern Arm but it was not possible to recover it because of the rough sea and the life-boat returned to her station. On reaching the shore the life-boat's motor mechanic found a ladder, lashed it to the Eastern Arm, succeeded in securing the body to a rope and brought it ashore..