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TRAWLER ASHORE Barra Island, Outer Hebrides. At 6.53 a.m. on i8th October, 1964, the coastguard told the honorary secretary that the Spanish trawler Tulipan was ashore near Monach Isles in a moderate sea and strong south-westerly breeze. It was three hours before low water when the life-boat R. A.ColbyCubbin No. ///put out at 7.25. At 12.10 p.m. she found the Tulipan ashore on Shillay Island off North Uist. A helicopter was ferrying the 13 survivors to Benbecula but one of the trawler's crew was missing. The life-boat crew searched intensively on and around Shillay but with no success. The life-boat returned to her station at 9 p.m..