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The Lebanese Vessel Kapitan Vanghelis

IN SHALLOW WATER At 11.11 p.m. on the same day the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that a ship was aground in a moderate sea three miles off North Foreland. It was one hour after low water and there was a moderate westerly breeze. At 11.30 the life-boat Elizabeth Elson, on temporary duty at the station, put to sea. She found the Lebanese vessel Kapitan Vanghelis aground in water too shallow for the lifeboat to come alongside. After standing by for some time the German tug Hermes arrived and towed the vessel clear. Towing lines were taken by the life-boat from the Hermes to the Kapitan Vanghelis, the water being sufficient for the fife-boat to do this by the time the tug arrived. The tug towed the vessel to Dover and the life-boat returned to her station at 3.30 a.m..