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Sidelights on Stations

WHEN Miss Grace Monro gave £1,000 to be divided largely between the life-boat crews and helpers at Holy Island, North Sunderland, Penlee and Sennen Cove during 1964, the Holy Island crew decided to express their gratitude by sending her a painting of their life-boat.

They commissioned the well-known Grimsby artist, Charles Davis, to paint the Gertrude on service in rough seas off Inner Fame, and 17 of them contributed to the cost. The painting, sent to the Bristol home of Miss Monro, brought an unanticipated response.

Miss Munro, a valued supporter of the Institution for some time, sent another £100 to Holy Island—to be divided between the 17 contributors.

Sir James Harman, while Lord Mayor of London, went aboard Eastbourne life-boat in September. In flying spray and wind he went with the life-boat crew and branch officials in the direction of Beachy Head. Sir James, who has a house at Eastbourne, was an ex-officio member of the Institution's Committee of Management during his term as Lord Mayor.

Mr. John McDonough, of Fleetwood life-boat crew, has made a doll's bungalow which raised £20 in a competition organised by the Fleetwood ladies' life-boat guild and which cost only £2 IDS. in building materials.

Woodwork is his hobby and one which he regularly turns to the Institution's profit. A needlework box, upholstered stool and two dolls' houses have been made for previous moneyraising efforts held by the guild.

Every five years - sometimes more frequently - the life-boat at Islay, Argyllshire, is called out on "political" service. On I5th October, 1964, the life-boat The Rankin, on temporary duty at the station, carried the Parliamentary election ballot boxes from Colonsay to the mainland. The service was carried out uneventfully in a moderate sea and gentle westerly breeze.

Fifty-four years after he had been rescued from a yawl-rigged fishing smack during a storm, 83-year-old Mr. George Austin went back to Llandudno life-boat station this summer, hoping to meet some of the men who had saved his life. He was welcomed by several members of the present life-boat crew but found he had outlived all his former rescuers.

The last had died in 1963..