Record of Rescues In 1964
1964 month January February March April . .
May June ..
July ..
August September October November December Number of times life-boats called out on service 1964 41 43 51 53 99 81 126 128 128 73 64 42 929 Average 1946-1964 (45) (38) (44) (55) (62) (86) (106) (77) (52) (53) (48) (707) Lives saved by life-boats 1964 i Average 13 26 34 20 60 24 43 104 69 13 6 1946-1964 (43) (18) (37) (28) (34) (33) (50) (64) (46) (27) (28) (35) 453 ! (443) & esS -O CO 1 u~ 1964 I 9 5 9 21 12 19 39 23 14 4 4 1 60 f « O 3 J| ill •2 2 S3 •s s " o o c S3-0 o §3 1964 —— 2 IO 30 36 51 66 24 ii 6 2 238 C/} « . 0 .0.0 •o a u 3 Su p* « 33 .3 1964 —— —7 4 6 20 20 9 i 4 7i s In £l o 3 Is " l-l i 1964 — —— 2 3 i 8 9 4 2 2 — 31 i| •i"0 E Cj _O £'33 C?" M (J c co (a q u « 1964 9 — 4 41 37 31 60 86 29 8 3 15 323 SUMMARY OF SERVICES IN 1964 Number of times life-boats called out on service Number of times inshore rescue boats called out on service Number of lives saved by life-boats Number of lives saved by inshore rescue boats Number of lives saved in shore-boat cases recognized by the Institution 929 238 1,167 453 7t 323 847THE LIFE-BOAT FLEET 148 life-boats 27 inshore rescue boats LIVES SAVED 85,502 from the Institution's foundation in 1824 to 31st December, 1964.