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Praise from the Pensioners

Two letters of appreciation of the life-boat service, both enclosing donations, have recently been written to the Institution by old age pensioners.

Eighty-two year old Mrs. Emily Stabback, of Greenwich, London, wrote after seeing the film Life-boat Heroes on television.

Her letter reads: "I have just been watching the telly . .. and have been feeling very proud of those men. Unless we see these heroes at their wonderful work we do not realise what goes on, we just live in our own little circle. Thank God we have such gallant men to call on in times of distress.

"So tomorrow, Thursday morning, when I go to get my old age pension, I'll get a postal order of five shillings, not much; but with my blessing." The other letter came from an old age pensioner in Midlothian who sent a postal order for as. and wrote, "I'd like to say how much we women of the U.K.

understand the perils of all who man the life-boats - we pray for them - and know them for their courage and endurance as God's good men. May He bless you all.".