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SWIMMER WAS WEARY At 11.38 a.m. on nth December, 1964, the police told the honorary secretary that cries for help had been heard to seaward of the western undercliff by a local doctor. Visibility was very poor due to fog. At 11.46 the life-boat Michael and Lily Davis put out with the boarding boat in a light west-north-westerly wind and a smooth sea. It was two hours after low water. The life-boat searched the area and at 12.5 p.m. found a man almost exhausted from swimming. He had been shrimping on a rising tide and, having lost all sense of direction in the fog, was swimming out to sea. He was picked up by the boarding boat and transferred to the life-boat. He was given first aid, for which the crew were complimented by the hospital to which the man was taken later. The life-boat reached her station at 12.25..