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SPANIARD WAS ILL At 4.30 p.m. on 23rd December, 1964, the army authorities in Benbecula reported that a Spanish seaman on the Isle of St. Kilda was seriously ill with suspected typhoid, and that as a helicopter could not help, the life-boat would probably be needed. At 5.30 the coastguard asked for the life-boat's help. The life-boat R. A.

Colby Cubbin No. HI proceeded at 6 p.m.

in a fresh northerly wind and smooth sea, arriving at St. Kilda at 2.30 a.m. By that time there was a near gale force northwesterly wind and a rough sea. The seaman was taken on board and taken to Kilbride, Lochboisdale, on South Uist Island. There he was met by an army ambulance which flew him to a Glasgow hospital, where it was confirmed that he was suffering from paratyphoid. The lifeboat returned to her moorings at 12.30 p.m. The life-boat crew were innoculated against typhoid..