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New Ways of Raising Money

The skippers of Aberdeen trawlers who are rewarded by the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries for Scotland when they recover tagged fish give their rewards to the R.N.L.I. They direct the Department to send the money to the honorary secretary of the Aberdeen branch.

Guess the burning time - this was the theme of a competition run at the White Swan Hotel, Alnwick, Northumberland, during Christmas week. A Christmas candle burned in the foyer of the hotel and over £6 was collected from competitors.

Elsewhere in Northumberland, at Craster village, a lo-year-old girl, Margaret Hall, collected, cleaned and sold sea urchins to summer visitors. She raised £10.

Mrs. M. B. Merry, of Wolverhampton, has recently knitted her i,oooth rabbit for the R.N.L.I. When she first began to knit the rabbits she sold them at an average of 55. each. Now she can sell them for ?s. 6d. and they are in great demand.

Captain W. C. M. Awcock, master of the motor vessel Springbank, recently sent three Seaman's Money Order forms to the Institution. They totalled £15 55. 6d.

He wrote, "These contributions represent fines imposed on three of my junior officers for minor infringements of discipline during the past voyage"..