AIDED SURVEY SHIP Peel, Isle of Man. At 4.55 p.m. on 6th October, 1964, the coastguard told the honorary secretary that the British survey ship Hamburg had sent out a distress call stating that she had run into a strong south-westerly gale with very heavy seas. It was also stated that she was shipping a great deal of water and that her pumps were unable to cope, leaving the vessel awash. The vessel Amber, of Glasgow, which was nearby, stood by until the Peel life-boat Helena Harris- Manchester and District XXXI arrived to take over. The life-boat had launched two hours before low water at 5.8, and reached the Hamburg at 7.23 after travelling about 20 miles through very rough seas. The Amber did not proceed on her course until her master was satisfied that the Life-boat and the Hamburg would reach Peel safely. The life-boat continued to escort the survey ship until 8.40 when she reached Peel. At Peel pumps from the local fire brigade were used to dry out the Hamburg. The Life-boat returned to her station at 8.46..