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WAS IN DISTRESS May, Argyllshire. At 7.38 p.m. on l6th October, 1964, the coastguard told the honorary secretary that the British ship Hebrides had reported a weak radio distress call giving a position south of Mull. This was soon confirmed by a call from the motor vessel Kaisadan which reported that the Florentine, a lobster boat with a crew of three, was aground south of Mull in a choppy sea and gentle north-westerly breeze. At 8.5, low water, the life-boat The Rankin, on temporary duty at the station, put out and searched between Mull and Colonsay with the help of an aircraft. At 10.40 a.m. the Florentine was found in Ardalanish bay on the south coast of Mull, and towed to Oban by the life-boat. At 12.25 a.m. on i8th October the life-boat returned to her station..