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BY BREECHES BUOY Lerwick, Shetlands. At 8.14 p.m. on 25th October, 1964, the coastguard told the honorary secretary that a vessel was burning red flares and appeared to be ashore at South Ness. At 8.28 the lifeboat Claude Cecil Staniforth put out into a moderate sea with a fresh southerly breeze. It was two hours after low water.

At 8.45 the life-boat found the trawler Deevale ashore at South Ness. The lifesaving apparatus team had managed to get a line to her and had taken off three men by breeches buoy. The propeller and steering gear were out of action but the trawler was not making water. The lifeboat, using a warp from the trawler, tried to tow the trawler clear but the rope broke. At 10.20 the life-boat made a third and successful attempt to refloat the Deevale. The trawler was towed to Lerwick and berthed at Alexandra wharf.

At II p.m. the Ufe-boat returned to her station..