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A Rowing Boat

MAN WINCHED ABOARD At 10.50 a.m. on 6th December, 1964, the coastguard reported that a rowing boat with three men aboard had been swamped at Lligwy beach. The life-boat Watkin Williams was launched at 10.57 to search for the rowing boat. There was a south-westerly near gale force wind, and rough sea. It was one hour before high water and visibility was good. A rescue helicopter and the Liverpool pilot boat were also searching. The helicopter found a body fairly close to the shore, winched the man aboard, and took him to a field adjoining the life-boathouse. Artificial respiration was applied by the helicopter crew and by the life-boat's honorary medical adviser who had been asked to attend, but without success. The life-boat continued her search until it was known that the other two people from the rowing boat had swum safely ashore. The rowing boat and some articles of clothing which were found were taken aboard the life-boat and brought back to the boathouse on completion of the service at 1.15 p.m..