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A Motor Skiff

CRIES FOR HELP Great Yarmouth and Gorleston, Norfolk. At 12.10 a.m. on nth December, 1964, the coastguard told the honorary secretary that a police constable on duty near the Pier Hotel had heard cries for help which seemed to come from the river side of the south pier. The life-boat's second coxswain and motor mechanic, together with the police and coastguard, searched both the river and sea sides of the pier. A police car patrol officer established that there was a small boat in difficulties somewhere outside the pier, and the life-boat Louise Stephens was launched at 1.4 in a thick fog. There were light westerly airs with a smooth sea and it was almost high water. An outboard motor skiff was found anchored half a mile east-north-east of the harbour entrance with three men on board. They had been fishing but because of fog had been unable to find their way back to the harbour. The skiff was taken in tow and the life-boat reached her station at 1.35..