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A Boat, a Pilot Cutter and Magnet

LIFE-BOAT ESCORT Tynemouth, Northumberland. At 12.2 p.m. on 27th December, 1964, a number of the life-boat crew and helpers at the watch-house saw a red flare being fired by a small boat fishing at the harbour mouth. The life-boat Tynesider was launched at 12.5 in a south-easterly wind of near gale force and a rough sea. It was 11 hours after high water. The life-boat reached the boat, which had broken down, just after a pilot cutter had put a tow rope aboard her. The life-boat escorted both boats up river to a safe anchorage. A message was then received from another pilot cutter that a motor boat was in difficulties on the harbour bar. The lifeboat found the motor boat Magnet, with four people on board, anchored in a very dangerous position at the south pier head.

The Magnet weighed anchor and was escorted by the life-boat up river. The life-boat returned to her station at