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Zyn Marie

HELP FROM FARMER Campbcltown, Argyllshire. At 1.9 p.m. on 6th July, 1964, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that the Sanda Island lightkeeper had reported the grounding of a cabin cruiser on Paterson's reef. There was a light westnorth- westerly breeze, the tide was ebbing and there was a slight sea. At 1.28 the lifeboat City of Glasgow II put out and found that, at the request of the lighthouse, keeper, a local farmer had transferred a woman and two children from the cabin cruiser Zyn Marie by motor boat to his farm near the coast, where his wife looked after them until the life-boat arrived. The cabin cruiser was held firmly by the rocks because of the falling tide, and the life-boat stood by until high tide refloated her. The life-boat began to tow her to Campbeltown. Soon afterwards the Zyn Marie's owner restarted the engine and she was escorted safely back to harbour which was reached at 9.40..