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Two Dinghies

TWO DINGHIES TOWED At 7.15 p.m. on ist August, 1964, a member of the life-boat crew told the honorary secretary that three youths who had hired one of his boats were having difficulty in returning and that he had sent out an outboard motor dinghy to tow them in. Shortly afterwards the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that he had two boats under observation.

A dinghy with four youths on board was drifting, while the other, a powered boat, was barely stemming the strong ebb tide which had been running for two hours. There was a moderate north-westerly breeze with a moderate sea. At 7.50 the life-boat Elizabeth Elson, on temporary duty at the station, went to the two boats which were about 2| miles east-south-east of Walton pier.

The crews of both dinghies, seven in all, were taken aboard the life-boat and the two dinghies were towed back to the beach. The life-boat returned to her station at 8.45..