DINGHY'S CREW SAVED At 9.40 p.m. on 3ist July, 1964, the coxswain noticed that a sailing dinghy was being driven on to the lee shore of Ireland's Eye by a near gale force westsouth- westerly wind. It was low water.
At 9.50 the life-boat A.M.T. left her moorings with the boarding boat in tow.
Fifteen minutes later the dinghy Tuano was reached with the aid of the boarding boat, and her crew of two were transferred to the life-boat. A report was then received from the Bailey lighthouse that flares had been seen about three miles north-north-east of the island. The boarding boat and sailing dinghy were left secure while the life-boat went to investigate, but nothing was found. The life-boat returned to Ireland's Eye, took the sailing dinghy and the boarding boat in tow, and returned to her station at 3.15 a.m..