Advanced search

Hunting for Divers

MUDEFORD inshore rescue boat and a R.A.F. helicopter were called out on I9th July to search for two aqualung divers who had failed to surface after diving between the Groyne, Hengistbury Head, and Christchurch Ledge buoy. The divers were about one hour overdue.

After receiving the news of the missing divers about 3.20 p.m. the inshore rescue boat launched immediately. The divers, who had surfaced some distance from their boat and had been unable to attract attention, were picked up by the inshore rescue boat and landed at Mudeford quay.

A member of an angling party in the area at the time of the rescue said that he and his companions were so impressed by the fast inshore rescue boat that they would give the proceeds of their annual festival to the Institution's funds..