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GERMAN BOAT'S APPEAL Torbay, Devon. At 2 a.m. on 3rd July, 1964, the coastguard told the honorary secretary that a radio message received at Niton radio station from the German coastal vessel Hanseat stated that one of the Hanseat's crew was seriously injured and requested the assistance of a life-boat. The tide had been ebbing for 2^ hours; there was a choppy sea with a gentle north-easterly breeze. At 2.14 the life-boat Princess Alexandra of Kent put out to sea with a doctor and ambulance men aboard. At 2.47 she met the Hanseat off Berry Head and transferred the injured man to the life-boat in the shelter of Torbay. From the life-boat he was transferred by ambulance to hospital. The life-boat returned to her station at 3.15..