Daphne Loo
YACHT WAS LEAKING Padstow, Cornwall. At 10.38 p.m.
on 18th July, 1964, the coastguard told the honorary secretary that flares had been reported at Newland Island. There was a gentle north-westerly breeze with a slight sea and the tide was about two hours before high water. At 11.5 the life-boat Joseph Hiram Chadwick put out and 25 minutes later the life-boat found the yacht Daphne Loo with a crew of three. Her port engine had broken down and she had also sprung a leak. The second coxswain of the life-boat boarded her and brought her into Padstow harbour, the life-boat escorting her in. Later members of the life-boat crew returned to their station at 12.15 a-m-.