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WATER POURED IN At 10.55 P-m- on 22nd August, 1964, the coastguard informed the coxswain that flares had been seen east-north-east of North Cockle buoy. There was a moderate sea with a gentle south-southwesterly breeze and the tide was at high water. At 11.5 the life-boat The Royal Thames was launched and soon discovered the motor cruiser Cairnbin. The engines of the Cairnbin had failed and she was making water through the stern.

Three members of the fife-boat crew were put aboard her, then two more members of the crew were put aboard, as the cruiser was filling quickly with water. The life-boat towed the Cairnbin to the quayside, standing by until the water was under control. She returned to her station at 4.30 a.m..