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A Sloop

HELICOPTER TOO Clacton-on-Sea, Essex. At 12.1 a.m.

on 15th September, 1964, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that a police report had been received stating two flares had been seen on the seaward side of Wallasea Island. There was a rough sea with moderate west-south-westerly winds and it was low water. Half an hour later the life-boat Sir Godfrey Baring was launched and, in company with three launches, an area search was made. At 6.30 a helicopter was asked to join an intense search which carried on until noon when the missing sloop, with a man and woman aboard, was found aground at Holliwell Point. The life-boat and a police launch were standing by to attend to the sloop when it refloated, and a helicopter took off the crew, landing them at Wallasea.

The life-boat returned to her station at 4 p.m..