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A Dinghy

DUTCH COASTER'S SEARCH ' Walmer, Kent. At 12.52 a.m. on 2nd August, 1964, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that the Dutch coaster Vivat had reported seeing a small boat hi which several people were shouting for help south of West Goodwin buoy. The tide was on the ebb; there was a slight sea with a light north-westerly breeze. At 1.2 the life-boat Charles Dibdin (Civil Service No. 32) was launched to investigate. With the Vivat she made a thorough search along the tidal drift over the Goodwin sands, but though parachute flares were used, nothing was seen. Soon after 2.30, while re-covering the same area, the Vivat radioed the life-boat to say that a capsized dinghy had been discovered. The life-boat found two youths clinging to the dinghy, both thoroughly exhausted. The two were rescued and one of them was put into a survival suit. They were given soup and rum and their dinghy was taken in tow to the life-boat station, which was reached at 4.10..