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A Cabin Cruiser

BABY WENT TOO Weston-super-Mare, Somerset. At 11.20 p.m. on ist August, 1964, the coastguard informed the honorary secretary that a cabin cruiser which lay at anchor in Sand bay needed the life-boat's assistance.

A woman had requested help because her husband and her i8-monthold- baby were aboard the boat. There was a fresh westerly breeze with a moderate sea. It was two hours past low water.

At 11.48 the life-boat Calouste Gulbenkian was launched, the honorary medical adviser accompanying the crew. Half an hour later the cabin cruiser was sighted with the help of parachute flares. The man and the baby were taken off and the cruiser was towed to the harbour. The life-boat was moored at 12.45 a.m. and rehoused later when conditions were suitable..