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Welsh Lady II and Sara Terrapin

SPEEDBOAT CAPSIZED At 2.45 p.m. on 6th June, 1964, the lifeboat's mechanic informed the honorary secretary that a vessel, whose position was one mile offshore from the station, had fired two smoke flares. The vessel Welsh Lady II had a fishing party aboard and thinking that one of the party had been taken ill the mechanic informed the honorary medical adviser as well. There was a strong south-east breeze with a rough sea and the tide was one hour after low water. At 3.4 the life-boat Anthony Robert Marshall was launched. She reached the Welsh Lady II 13 minutes later and found that she had the capsized speedboat Sara Terrapin in tow, and the three occupants of the Sara Terrapin on board.

These three were immediately taken ashore by the life-boat, which returned to the Welsh Lady II as the wind was increasing to a near gale. The crew of the life-boat baled out the speedboat while the honorary medical adviser attended to a seasick passenger from the Welsh Lady II.

The life-boat returned to her station at 5.30 with the sick passenger on board, while the speedboat was towed to harbour by the Welsh Lady II. The crew of the speedboat expressed their thanks to the coxswain and crew and made a gift to the welfare fund..