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The S.S. Salmoor and a Ship's Boat

STEAMSHIP ASHORE At 2 a.m. the following day the coastguard told the honorary secretary that a vessel appeared to have come ashore on the corner of the breakwater. The vessel, the s.s. Salmoor, was awaiting help from the local tug but at 2.43 she radioed for life-boat assistance as she was well over in the rough seas and gale force south-westerly wind. At 3 a.m., when the tide was three hours before low water, the life-boat St. Cybi (Civil Service No. 9) was launched. In 15 minutes the life-boat was alongside the Salmoor but, unable to offer further assistance because of the ebbing tide, returned to her mooring buoy to stand by. Four members of the Salmoor's crew were put ashore by their own launch. At 7.50 the vessel requested an air-sea rescue launch to help to tow her off and the life-boat returned to her position at 8.13 and stood by. At 9.20 the vessel was refloated with the help of an air-sea rescue launch and a pilot boat.

The life-boat then found one of the ship's boats waterlogged and with one man aboard. The man was taken off and the ship's boat was towed to the Customs jetty while the life-boat was escorting the Salmoor to the same jetty. The life-boat returned to her station at 10.30..