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The S.S. Naess Tern

MAN HAD DIED At 8.16 p.m. on I4th June, 1964, the coastguard told the honorary secretary that the s.s. Naess Tern of Panama was making for St. Ives Bay with a sick man aboard. The lifeboat Edgar, George, Orlando and Eva Child was launched at 8.40 into a gentle west-north-west breeze and slight sea; it was high tide. The arrival time of the Naess Tern was given as 10.30. At 10.15 the life-boat set out with the honorary medical adviser on board, and contact was made with the vessel just before the estimated arrival time. The sick man had died, however, during the passage to St. Ives, and his body was taken ashore by the life-boat, which returned to her station at 12.35 a.m..