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The Motor Dinghy Jaime Lewis

CRIES FOR HELP Poole, Dorset. At 10.45 p.m. on 1st May, 1964, cries for help were heard coming from the harbour from the direction of Stakes buoy. The Institution's rubber dinghy manned by the life-boat's motor mechanic and a member of the crew was launched immediately to search the area.

A pilot boat also put out and rescued two men. A third man swam ashore and reported that a fourth man was still missing.

The life-boat Bassett Green was then launched at 11.10 to help. There was a fresh south-westerly wind with a moderate sea. It was high water. The life-boat eventually found the outboard motor dinghy Jaime Lewis, which the four men had been in, capsized. The dinghy was righted and brought to the quayside. The search for the missing man was continued by the life-boat and rubber dinghy but he was not found and the life-boat and dinghy returned at 12.50 a.m..