Sporting Clubs Can Help the R.N.L.I.
THE life-boat service receives each year most valuable support from many sporting clubs. With costs increasing because of technical developments, it is timely to draw attention to the easy way in which clubs not yet helping the service can do so, and to remind regu- lar club supporters that their help is needed more than ever.
The scheme is a simple one. The Institution is prepared to supply to clubs, without charge, suitable prizes for races or competitions in which the entrance fees are donated to the life- boat service. The range of prizes available include very attractive pen- nants for yacht and sailing clubs and for model yacht and power boat clubs.
For golf, bowls and sea angling clubs, decorative life-boat spoons can be supplied, whilst an R.N.L.I. pro- pelling pencil is available for other sports.
MORE COULD HELP All the arrangements, the amount of the entrance fee, date and so on, are left entirely to the club concerned; the only stipulation the Institution makes is that the total raised by the race or competition should exceed appreciably the cost of the prizes supplied, so that its funds can benefit. Adverse weather conditions can sometimes make this difficult, but any resultant loss of entrance fees can be offset by arrang- ing a lunch or dinner collection in the club restaurant or by organizing a small raffle or simple competition which, even when there is no loss of entrance fees, can provide valuable additional revenue for the service.
PERSONAL APPROACH Yacht, golf, model yacht, angling and most bowls clubs are approached annually by letter. The response is very good indeed but more clubs would undoubtedly help the life-boat service if a direct and personal ap- proach were made.
Any honorary worker or supporter of the Institution, whether a member of a club or not, could do valuable work by personally bringing the scheme to the attention of the appro- priate committee of all local clubs which do not at present help. Such an approach would not be wasted, even to clubs which do already help the service, since it could be the means of ensuring annual participation..