Advanced search

Sea Breezes and Starfish II

St. Ives, Cornwall. At 1.30 p.m. on 30th June, 1964, the honorary secretary was told that a skiff with three people on board was in dangerous water off Mexico Beach. At 1.31 inshore rescue boat no. 5 launched in a moderate northwesterly breeze, a moderate sea, and an ebbing tide. The inshore rescue boat reached the skiff Sea Breezes. As the skiff was under control the inshore rescue boat stood by her until she reached smoother water. On the return journey to the station the crew noticed that the skiff Starfish II appeared to be in difficulties near Carrick Gladder point. The inshore rescue boat investigated and found that the skiff had engine trouble and that its two occupants were sick and upset. The crew were taken on board and the inshore rescue boat, with the skiff in tow, returned to her station at 2.15..