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Random Harvest

Bridlington, Yorkshire. At 9.10 p.m.

on 24th April, 1964, the coxswain told the honorary secretary that the motor fishing vessel Random Harvest had received a radio telephone message that the trawler Lemberg of Grimsby intended landing an injured crew man at Bridlington at approximately ii p.m. The honorary secretary questioned the coastguard and Humber Radio, neither of whom knew anything about it. As the honorary secretary had received two hoax telephone calls during the evening, no action was taken for the time being. At 11.30 the honorary secretary was told that the trawler Lemberg had entered Bridlington Bay and was heading for the harbour. He immediately authorised the life-boat to launch and arranged for a doctor to attend at the boathouse. There were light airs with a smooth sea, and it was low water.

The life-boat Tittie Morrison, Sheffield II launched at 12.20 a.m. and reached the trawler as she anchored. The injured man was taken on board and, on being landed, was treated by the doctor before going to hospital in an ambulance. The life-boat returned to her station at 2 a.m..