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GIRL ON CLIFF Douglas, Isle of Man. At 8.40 p.m.

on 25th May, 1964, the Ramsey coastguard told the honorary secretary that the police had reported that a girl had climbed down a cliff below the entrance to Howstrake holiday camp and was sitting on a ledge between 150 and 200 feet above the rocks. At 8.55 the life-boat R. A. Colby Cubbin No. i was launched, taking a dinghy with her. There was a light easterly wind, the sea was smooth and the tide was three hours flood. At 9.15 she reached the cliff and two of the life-boat crew took the dinghy in to the rocks. One of the men climbed to within 30 feet of the girl, but she threatened to jump, and he climbed down again. In the meantime the district officer of H.M.

coastguard and a police constable descended the cliff on ropes and the coastguard asked the dinghy to lie off in case too many people frightened the girl and made her jump. The police officer talked with her and was able to grasp hold of her.

She fainted, but with ropes secured to her she was lowered in a Neil Robertson stretcher to the rocks, and transferred first to the dinghy, and then to the lifeboat.

At the harbour an ambulance was waiting to collect her. The life-boat arrived back at her station at 11.10..