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Helping the "Little Boats"

IN July Coxswain Roland Moore, coxswain of the Barrow life-boat, received a letter from four very young supporters. It contained a £i contribution.

"Dear Mr. Moore," they wrote. "Last month our Melanie, our Jackie, Barbara Maudsley, Elaine Graham and I collected a lot of wild flowers from the fields. We made a little stall in the lane and sold bunches to the people who passed by.

"Daddy said he would give the money to your life-boat. Altogether we collected 145. 6d. and Daddy has added 55. 6d. to make up £i which I am sending to you because you help the little boats when they are in trouble." The letter was signed by Lesley and Melanie Duckworth, Barbara Maudsley and Elaine Graham, of Barrow-in-Furness..