Advanced search


HELP FOR DUTCH Hartlepool, Co. Durham. At 9.25 p.m. on zoth June, 1964, the coastguard told the coxswain that the Dutch trawler Guus was making for Hartlepool with a sick man aboard and that a helicopter had been alerted. At 10.25 the coxswain was informed that the helicopter had been cancelled and the life-boat was needed.

The coxswain arranged to meet the trawler seven miles east of Hartlepool.

The life-boat Edward and Isabella Iriain, on temporary duty at the station, left at ii p.m. in a gentle west-south-westerly breeze and a moderate sea. The sky was clouding over and the tide was one hour after low water. Contact was made between the life-boat and the trawler at 12.10 a.m. and the sick man was transferred to the life-boat, which returned to harbour, reaching her moorings at 1.30..