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Gloire a St. Therese

ON BOARD FRENCH TRAWLER 10.32 p.m. on i5th June, 1964, the coastguard told the honorary secretary that the French trawler Gloire a St.

Therese of Boulogne had on board an injured man needing hospital treatment, and owing to her draft and the state of the tide the trawler was unable to enter the harbour. At 11.5 the life-boat Michael and Lily Davis left in a light westerly breeze and smooth sea. It was low water. The life-boat met with the trawler one mile east of Ramsgate and took off the injured man, who was landed at Ramsgate and taken by ambulance to hospital. The lifeboat then escorted the trawler into harbour and returned to her station at 1.30 a.m..