Fishing Cobles (2)
COBLES AT SEA Whitby, Yorkshire. At 8.5 a.m. on 25th April, 1964, the life-boat second coxswain reported that there was a very heavy swell on the harbour bar and that several local fishing cobles, one of which had been reported to have broken down, were still at sea. At 8.15 the life-boat Mary Ann Hepworth was launched with the second coxswain in command and escorted in several cobles in a moderate south-south-east breeze. The tide was 4^ hours ebb. The life-boat coxswain,who was in one of the first cobles to return, took over command of the life-boat which stood by in deteriorating weather until all the cobles had entered harbour safely.
She returned to her station at 12.15 P-ni-.