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A Catamaran and a Dinghy

CATAMARAN DISMASTED Skegness, Lincolnshire. At 11.53 a.m. on 3rd May, 1964, the coastguard reported that a catamaran with a crew of two had been dismasted half a mile off Winthorpe and was drifting northward.

At 12.15 p.m. the life-boat Charles Fred Grantham was launched on service for the first time. There was a strong southwesterly wind, the sea was choppy and the tide was on low ebb. A dinghy with a man and a woman on board also made for the catamaran, but both dinghy and catamaran were blown seawards. The lifeboat came up with the craft i£ miles off-shore, towed in the catamaran first and then beached the dinghy, returning to the station at 2.30. A R.A.I7, helicopter from Leconfield was airborne, but was not needed. One of the crew of the catamaran made a donation to the funds of the Institution..