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The French Fishing Boat Claudie Giselle

St. Helier, Jersey. At 6.34 p.m. on 18th February, 1964, Jersey radio informed the honorary secretary that a radio telephone message had been intercepted stating that the French fishing boat Claudie Giselle was in distress and that her crew of four were taking to their life-raft. There was a gale from the northeast with a rough sea. The life-boat Elizabeth Nippon set out at 6.48 for the boat's reported position, 12 miles westsouth- west of La Corbiere. The life-boat, together with merchant vessels, French naval vessels and air-sea rescue aircraft, carried out an extensive search through the night. At 8.17 a.m. the following morning the life-boat returned to St.

Helier for re-fuelling and with a partial change of crew left at 10.14 to continue the search. At U o'clock the French trawler La Nativite reported finding a paddle and a piece of wood and shortly afterwards recovered two bodies. The life-boat joined in the further search with a French naval vessel and trawlers.

During the day one more body and the life-raft of the Claudie Giselle were recovered. At 2.30 p.m. the life-boat was recalled, reaching her station at 6.45..